Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm Loony! (5/27/1989)

I toss and turn in bed
And cling the pillow tight
Insecurity happens to grab me
And fling me in the hell of fright.

I try in vain to rise..
Straining my ears to catch
The sounds beyond the flies
If called but once..

The tantalizing hum of yours
The impish grin your face bears
Your purposeful non-commitment
Intrigue me..I close my eyes...

Your adorable face appears
And in a minute or so disappears
Only to come again and again
Sending a pleasant pain in me..

Loony for sure I am
How much to see you I crave!
The distance is far for me
But I'll reach you for sure one day..

Of late you are too busy
To drop a loveline to me
Or perhaps to make me
Yearn for you-I guess..

Jealous I know you are
And funny your face looks thus
Why don't you show you care
For me, as I do for you??


Sapna Anu B.George said...

The distance is far for me
But I'll reach you for sure one day.................

very vivid expressions mini, good to greet you and read you here.

Mini said...


Thanks Sapna...20 years after I initially penned these lines, I am still crazy about him ;)